Tuesday, August 11, 2009



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A Book Blogger Appreciation Week Meme!
BBAW is coming! Remember that nominations close on the 15th and everything will be a flurry of activity after that! (I’m so excited!!)
I’ve seen some questions floating around about Book Blogger Appreciation Week, so here’s a way to learn more about it from people who participated last year!
If you were a part of BBAW last year, please answer these simple questions on your blog and drop your link into Mister Linky so that others can learn all about BBAW! Feel free to tag other bloggers to play along! (Please note: only sign the Mister Linky if you have completed the meme. Registration for BBAW can be found here.)1) What was the highlight (something that happened, a post, an activity, etc.) of BBAW for you last year?2) What is one new blog you discovered during BBAW last year?3) What tips would you share to help others get the most out of their BBAW experience?
But wait!! We don’t want those of you who didn’t participate to feel left out, so if you didn’t participate last year, how about these questions?1) What has been one of the highlights of blogging for you?2) What blogger has helped you out with your blog by answering questions, linking to you, or inspiring you?3) What one question do you have about BBAW that someone who participated last year could answer?
1. Lexie (Poisoned Rationality)2. Alison( Alipet813)3. Readingjunky4. My Friend Amy (veteran)5. Erica (The Book Cellar)6. Sarah- Green Bean Teen Queen7. Liz8. Kelsey9. Brooke Reviews10. Bianca- Wicked Good Books11. mari 12. http://age30books.blogspot.com/2009/08/bbaw-is-coming-soon.html13. sharonluvscats14. Alison (Piling on the Books)15. Katie (Read What You Know)16. Stephanie (Confessions of a Book- a- Holic)17. Violet Crush18. Sandy (You've GOTTA Read This!)19. http://hagelrat.blogspot.com/2009/08/bbaw-throwing-my-two-cents-in.html20. Bluestocking21. Donna at Bites22. Kate (The Neverending Shelf)23. Julie (My Own Little Corner of the World) Book Giveaways!!24. Monniblog25. Kimberly Swan26. Literate Housewife27. Lezlie (Books 'N Border Collies)28. Word Lily29. Christina (Flip The Page)30. Greg " The Undead Rat" Fisher
31. Kirsten (Book Series Reviews)32. Veens33. http://hmg-booksforme.blogspot.com/2009/08/bbaw-getting-to-know-you-meme.html34. Rhapsody In Books35. ( Sheila) One Persons Journey Through a World of Books (Sheila)36. Beth F (Beth Fish Reads)37. Suey38. Melissa39. Molly (my cozy book nook)40. Melissa W41. Jackie42. http://baileysandbooks.wordpress.com/2009/08/06/book-blogger-appreciation-week/43. Robin of My Two Blessings44. bookmagic45. Gavin (Page247)46. Becky (Libri Dilectio)47. She (A Book Blog. Period.)48. Ryan (Wordsmtihonia)49. Laurel Ann (Austenprose)50. Carolyn (Book Chick City)51. http://www.thingsmeanalot.com/2009/08/bbaw-meme.html52. Florinda - The 3 R' s53. Melanie's Musings54. Anime June55. Michelle (Galleysmith)56. Kari (Five Borough Book Review)57. pamela58. Debbie's World of Books59. Holly60. http://bonjourcass.blogspot.com/2009/08/bbaw-meme.html
61. Christine62. christina (Reading Thru The Night) 63. Trin- Bloody Bad64. softdrink65. Mandy (Edge of Seventeen)66. Jenny67. Melissa (The Betty and Boo Chronicles)68. Kristi (The Story Siren)69. Karen " BOOKIN' BINGO"70. Kim (page after page)71. Savvy Verse & Wit72. Jaime73. Grace's Book Blog74. Dawn - She is Too Fond of Books75. J.T. Oldfield (Bibliofreak)76. Tammy77. Laura (I'm Booking It)78. Rhiannon Hart79. Maya M.80. Meghan (Medieval Bookworm)81. Kristi (Books and Needlepoint)82. Jordan (Inside the Mind)83. April (Good Books & Good Wine)84. Amy Reads Good Books85. Aarti86. Wendy (Caribousmom)87. You're next!


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