Sunday, August 30, 2009

1-2 combo

When you first decide to write a book it seems so simple. Hey I'll just tell the story. You imagine yourself original with a unique writing style. You want one of a kind characters. I know I did and deep down in that shiney and new part of me, I still do. I want a hero-heroine 1-2 punch combination. To the point that from when they are together it's where you say "Wow, they just work." There is no triangle. No other pieces fit in there two-piece puzzle. Just him and her the end of the story. Well, uh not quite. There actually has to be more to that story. But not some lame as petty differences or minute lie that is written bigger than it is. My 1-2 combo know they are supposed to be together they just have to figure out, how.
They need to figure out how to make it when their only problem is them.

Well, that's the goal. The bar has been set. The only question is, can I do it?


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