Thursday, October 31, 2013

Review: The Voice by Jennifer Anne Davis

The VoiceThe Voice by Jennifer Anne Davis
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I say this a lot but this was not at all what I expected. I have adopted the habit of not reading blurbs and synopsis which leaves me surprised a lot.

Wow, the emotion was great. My heart was in my throat most the novel. Audrey was really freaking brave and realistic. I was looking for a book that would scare me for a Halloween post and give me nightmares, this book did just that but not the way I expected.

During the story Audrey has to deal with so much icky stuff. She has to learn to forgive and move on in order to heal and it seems so impossible. Her parents aren't any help because they have too much guilt. Her Aunt and the neighbor boys were a Godsend. I found the sheer coincidence of Caleb and Justin with their background along with Audrey's being next door neighbors to Aunt Kate a little much. Not nearly enough to ruin the story but I may have rolled my eyes once.

I am so glad I read this story and I think it was executed very well for such a heavy issue. I think this is a one time read for me since it is emotionally draining. I think everyone should read it, because it is very poignant and just emotionally breathtaking.

Cover Whore:
The cover is what drew me. The wide-eyed despair is perfect and intune with the books topic.

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