Thursday, October 15, 2009

About Me...Hi I'm Casse and I write creepy books.

  Okay, I am back for a little more sharing.  So we know I go by Casse, I am 26 and I love reading and writing creepy books that involve lurve.  So on to what we don't know yet...
  I am the youngest of 4 kids.  I have two older brothers and one older sister.  I am an Air Force Brat and have lived all over the place including Japan and Alaska.  I love Edmonton Alberta Canada!

  I am a bit of a sexist when it comes to reading, I don't know how this happened but I have a hard time reading male Authors, which is probably why I gravitate to romance novels.  It is a mostly female dominated genre.  It's weird.  I don't know how this happened truly.

  More random facts...I cannot drive.  I mean it.  I never learned how, or wanted to learn.  I still don't.  I am allergic to most fruit but I love it and will suffer for this love of it. 
  I have an irrational fear that the world is going to run out of good books, so every store I go into I must head to the book section, find a book I think sounds great (which is sometimes harder than one would think.)  And buy it, like I am stock piling.  If I can't find one, I get terrified.

  I had more interesting things to say, but the little monter, who I call my niece won't allow me to take my attention away from her for more than 6 seconds, I counted lol.  So this is what you get.  See you next Thursday.  I promise more interesting things.



Anonymous said...

Hi Casse :)
I love that you are spending time with your niece. Thanks for sharing today. Did you some male authors use pseudonyms in the romance field?
All the best,

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Casse's bookshelf: read

Truly, MadlyThe Final Dance TrilogyUnder Sea's ShadowIn Stone's ClaspOn Fire's WingsTalk Me Down

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