Its summer break and three girls: Robyn, her BFF Caitlin, and newbie Whitney have a summer job at popular waterpark Paradise Falls. Its a YA series but the covers were bright and looked fun, it was summertime, why not.
Book #1 Robyn

Robyn. Sweet, sensible and responsible Robyn. She was the more down to earth one out the bunch. Her and her friends are just coming to wanting to understand boys, which being an adult I found sort of lame. I can't remember ever being that clueless. Anyway, Robyn can't figure out why she gets stuck in the kiddie pool. Its completely lame right? She does get to spend time with Caitlin's big brother, Sean. Did I mention his hottness? Well, Robyn totally thinks he is. And turns out he isn't as bad as her and Caitlin thinks he is. He did pull major strings to help his sister out.
One thing Robyn could do without is Whitney. She is so lazy! You can totally sense that there is a very good reason. Which you have to wait until book 3 to find out. Oooh suspense. Caitlin is on a get a boyfriend mission and it looks like she struck hottie gold...Or did she just find a first class ticket to high school heartache. Dun dun duuun! (That's my suspense music to living up this book because I think I just yawned.)
So blah blah Robyn sets Caitlin straight about big bro Sean and guys in general. Which is a bit odd. A few chapters earlier she was just as floundering and confused as Caitlin. But I suppose while making eyes at your boss and saving a kid from drowning you learn a lot.
Moving on, they plan the waterparks big movie in the pool thing. (Sounds soggy and wet to me, not in the good way it's YA remember.) Oh they call it a 'float-in movie' clever. By the end of book 1 one of the girls gets there very first smooooch!
Robyn is too goody goody, Caitlin is to whiney and superficial, while Whitney we hardly know her but what we do know of her is she is a lazy, stuck up tart.
On to book #2!
Book #2 Caitlin

Poor Caitlin. Why can't she just catch herself a boyfriend. Tanner turned out to be a turd. And while she nurses her broken heart her BFF Robyn is sucking serious face with big bro Sean. Where is the justice.
This is high school dra-ma in it's glory. *sighs* At least Caitlin's, woo is me act is more entertaining than Robyn's I'm oh so good act. So I carry on. So just as she is in full green eyed monster mode enters stage right Romeo. No, seriously kiddo's name is in fact Romeo. Isn't that dreamy? The answer is yes. I like Romeo actually. He is a niiice addition to the story. He is cocky but in the fun high school hunk way. Go Caitlin! Well, if only she weren't so jaded from her Tanner ordeal. If only this Romeo fellow had a sweet caring side. Ahem, enter his cute little Romeo brothers who are twins. Awwwe! Actually I like them too those little guys are so very adorable.
Okay just when I start to think why is Whitney even in this story, she comes through as the sensible one while Robyn sits smiling like a niney. She tells Caitlin to get a grip. All guys aren't all alike so chill out and cut Romeo a break. Those aren't exact wording but it's what she meant.
So 4th of July is coming up and Whitney wants to do a laser show instead of fireworks and guess who has the best laser light show? Yup...Romeo's good ol poppa whom Romeo helps and que suerta! (That's "what luck" en espanol) they are normally booked for the 4th but just had a cancellation. See? Que suerta!
So the girls including the chick who kissed Tanner along with Jake, who I have a feeling will be in book 3, plan the 4th shindig. Of course Tanner tries to slink back to Caitlin while she is getting to know Romeo better. But maybe he is more like Tanner, just as she suspected? A big mis happens but Whitney is there to clear it up so Caitlin was able to get her first smooooch at this book's event and save a kid from an evil hot dog. All is right with the world, Yay! Okay I did actually love this book. Caitlin, Romeo and the twins hanging out was beyond great. I loved it. I gotta say it. I read this one straight through. I got giddy butterflies when they smooooched to her favorite song. They mention Taylor Swift and you gotta love pop culture mentions because it makes the book seem more real. The characters were just better and less of that smiling niney, Robyn. I just don't like her. LOL. I'm gushing I know. On to book 3 with gusto!
Book #3 Whitney

Whitney has a big secret. She is worried that if her besties find out they won't be her friends anymore. Poor girl. If you have read book 1 and 2 you are wondering why is Whit so lazy and gets everything she ask for? Well the secret comes out. Although I really just want more Romeo and Caitlin ah well.
Whit has a crush on ice cream boy Jake who's been buddy buddy with her since the start of summer. Could it be he likes her, or does he have another reason to stick close to her? Hmm, or is it both? Whitney will find out but will what she discovers break her spoiled little heart?
Whit is feeling a big down. Both of her new besties are sort of water park heroines and she well plans parties no real way to superwoman herself there. Unless she saves a park party that her old friends the i's are having there. They are called that because their names are: Bitchi, Witchi, and Twiti. Just kidding! Marci, Andi and Sandi but my names we better.
Also she is in need of her big lip lock like new besties. And they are true besties. Whit and Caitlin have a fun bet and Whit loses. When Caitlin refuses to collect Whit realizes that she has real friends in these girls. It's a real awwe moment. But not everyone in her new life can be trusted. Jake has a secret and it is very hurtful. It involves her secret. When Whitney finds out that Jake is a jack, ass I mean, I feel for the girl. Can she forgive him and her dad?
Whitney has to face her old rich bitch friends at the party. Which turns out awesome. And she gets the big smooooch too! Go Whit! And Jake redeems himself. At the end of summer employee party Whit makes an announcement, she is transferring schools so she can be with Robyn, Caitlin and smooooch with Jake daily.
These weren't my normal reads but it was fun and very entertaining. So pick them up for your daughters.
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